Bila orang post or comment pasal Karnival Teater Universiti Malaya,rasa terpanggil nak menceritakan pengalaman pertama join theater. Trust me,its the most worse experienced ever that I had. *sigh*
So masa sem 2,dekat matrik ada satu matapelajaran ko-k. So kalau ko-k everyone will think, Its something like a sports stuff and of course semua orang akan rasa teruja. Sebab main sports. So suddenly masa kelas ko-k,pensyarah kami dengan selambanya berkata "Jadi, ko-k awak semua adalah teater and sila pilih nama teater apa yang awak semua nak persembahkan" and we all like was "WTF"
Ok,now imagine, our praticum terdiri daripada 16 orang,consists of 3 guys and the rest are ladies,and they asked us to choose classic theater macam Bawang putih bawang merah,si tanggang and bla2. Omg!! We can't think properly at all that time. Mase tu memamg dah mindfxxk laa kan. So after discussion semua,we decided to choose 'Mahsuri' sebab its less guys will be use.
So,every each of us mula diagihkan watak masing2,and the shxx moments bila I dapat watak sultan which is sgt difference from me! Totally out of tangent!! Hahahaa. But whatever it is, our lecturer sangat cool. Bagi penuh kebebasan untuk kita buat apa sahaja. Itu mcm bonus la.
Ok, so kenapa I hate theater? Well sebenarnya tak ade kaitan pun dengan teater. Its just that teater adalah salah satu sebab saje. Sebenarnya punca utama bila pertandingan teater terclash dengan persembahan zapin!!?? My passion more on dance so that time tak fikir panjang siap buat keputusan terburu2. Siap nak keluar teater! Then ade krisis lagi dengan budak kelas. Omg. Masa tu only god knows! Menyesal masuk all these things!
Tapi alhamdulillah. Lama2 bila berbincang balik dengan kawan2 tarian,they decided to go after I lepas show! Am so like excited! Well,kawan2 tarian laa yang try compromise. My praticum? Pfftt. Certain jee. The rest macam harem!
So konklusinya,no matter how hard you face the situation,try to solve it slowly. Jangan bertindak semasa marah. Fikir dalam2 sebab every problem have their solution. So,sebab that things la I dont really love theater. Ahaa.
So I guess thats all kot. Will be more from me after this. Xoxo.
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